It’s not only money that customers are saving, it’s also time and stress. See how much they are saving themselves.
The money that Courtney is now saving with Athena means that they’ve got more financial security and she can do different things to her house like build and outdoor area and then eventually move to somewhere else that’s bigger.
With the money saved with Athena, Alasdair can now afford to plan renovations on his apartment.
Daniel can now see the light at the end of the tunnel and moving to a bigger place is definitely on the table.
Karl wanted to pay off his home loan as fast as possible. He’s now confident that Athena can help him do this.
Being with Athena means that Carissa can pay more off their mortgage every week and reduce their loan by almost 7 years - plus get her dream caravan!
As a solo working mum, Anita has a lot going on. Athena worked around her busy schedule and saved her the most valuable thing - time.